World Wide Web

Go online. The World Wide Web is by far the most frequently used and most flexible tool in the Internet. Developed by British computer scientist Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee in 1989 to facilitate exchange among scientists, this worldwide network has captured global interest since its earliest days. With the invention of the Internet, a whole new type of computer program was born, and one that entire operating systems would be built around: the web browser.

Wireless, mobile communications have changed society in a way that no other technology has done before. They open new possibilities in parenting, offer practical solutions for healthcare, make it easier to access education and enable people in developing countries to connect with one another as well as to link with the global economy. The world is becoming smaller – while the possibilities offered by the World Wide Web increase every day.

Easy Turtle®

Easy Turtle® from 4iT is efficient and reliable software for process management.
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The 3Liter-PPS®

4iT Software and LF Consult - Capacity planning that works!
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Our modern logistics software allows you to optimize the logistics processes in your company.
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The medicine software

A high-performance system that supports imaging diagnostics, records and manages test result ...
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